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Sunday 13 July 2014

Hi, I'm new in town

Hi there, after consulting many a friend about what I should do over the summer to keep myself from exploding with boredom, I came to conclusion that starting a blog would be a sensible (and hopefully entertaining) choice.

I had many suggestions, making loom bracelets, starting a youtube channel, even... running (the very thought of which filled with with utter dread as I can barely get myself out of bed in the morning let alone outside to do the dreaded... exercise *shiver*).
However after much thought I finally decided that starting some sort of blog could just do the trick of keeping me entertained this summer - perhaps even for longer if people are actually interested.

 But alas, I'm very new to the blogging world. I think I had an online diary on blogspot when I was about 11, which I swiftly deleted once I realised that it was the first thing that popped up as soon as someone typed my full name into Google... error. Apart from that I am a complete newbie and don't really have any idea what I'm supposed to be writing about, let alone know how make it thrilling enough for people to actually read! But here goes, hopefully you'll find it interesting.


  1. I like your style of writing, its like your actually talking to us rather than just talking. your blog will be great don't worry

    - J.L.Flavell

    1. Awh thank you! Your comment and follow mean a lot.

  2. This is a lovely intro hun :)
    You sound soo natural and hopefully you go far in the blogging world :D
    Sensitive Epidermis | Rainbow

    1. I'm so glad you think so! Hrmm idk, it would be nice if I did! ;D xx

  3. I agree with those above, you sound like a natural! It's nice to feel like you're actually speaking to us. Can't wait to read some of your future blog posts :)

    XO Kristina // Not Your Cup Of Tee

    1. Thank you so much! I can't begin to explain how much that means to me, you're so sweet! xo

  4. Haha I am sure you'll do great. You've already pegged a nice and natural voice in your writing anyway :D I am going to keep reading!

  5. HI, i'm also very new to blogging, and I like to get inspiration from other blogs (not copying them of course, just seeing what people write about etc.) I especially love Zoe (Zoella) and Louise (Sprinkle of Glitter) and Little Red Maple. another thing i did was read through Zoe's FAQ, it's quite helpful. finally, the biggest thing i discovered was just to be myself and do what i like. also, i really like the way your blog is going, im sure you'll be great :)

